Skin Care Advice


At Malvern Dermatology and Medical Laser Clinic we are experienced in the treatment of all forms of acne, including teenage acne, acne in children, adult and hormonal acne. We will assess your skin and recommend a skin care programme and treatment tailored to your specific needs. We can use prescription creams, medications and light peels to achieve clear skin.

Excessive sweating- Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating is common, occurring in 2 to 4 % of the population. For many the condition is embarrassing and disabling. The most frequently affected areas are the hands and feet, armpits (axillae), face and scalp. The problem often starts before puberty and persists for years. Treatments for hyperhidrosis include simple topical preparations, prescription medications and injections can be used to temporarily block the nerves that stimulate sweating. Rarely, surgery may be performed as a last resort.

Our dermatologists have been certified by Medicare to treat incapacitating axillary sweating with injections of purified neurotoxin. Injections will usually give relief from sweating for 4 to 9 months. Patients who qualify for treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis will be eligible for a significant Medicare rebate (more than 45% of the cost of treatment).

Skin Cancer

Two out of three Australians will develop a skin cancer during their lifetime. Fortunately most skin cancers are curable providing they are diagnosed early. At Malvern Dermatology and Medical Laser Clinic our dermatologists can perform a full skin check and evaluate your risks. They are experienced in treating sun damaged skin and skin cancer. Our dermatologists utilize prescription creams, peels and surgery to treat skin cancer.


Psoriasis is a common, chronic, scaly rash that affects people of all ages. It is an auto immune disorder and can be triggered by environmental factors, stress or illness in individuals who are genetically predisposed to developing psoriasis. It is not contagious and is not due to an allergy.

The most common ages for psoriasis to first appear are in the late teens and in the 50s. It affects men and women equally.

Psoriasis is often so mild it is barely noticed by the affected person, but it can occasionally be so severe the patient must be admitted to hospital for treatment. It may or may not be itchy.

About 5% of those with psoriasis will also develop joint pains (psoriatic arthritis), which may involve one or more joints. This can be very debilitating.

Over recent years there have been some major breakthroughs in the understanding of psoriasis and its management. Your dermatologist will be able to discuss these advances with you and what they may mean to the treatment of your psoriasis. Your dermatologist may prescribe creams, phototherapy, tablets or even injections to help clear your skin. Phototherapy, (narrow band UVB), can be done on site and will not usually incur any additional out of pocket expense.


Eczema and dermatitis are often used interchangeably to describe an itchy rash that may occur acutely or may be long standing with occasional flare ups. It affects about one in every five people at some time in their lives. It results from a variety of different causes and has various patterns.

Atopic eczema often starts in infancy and may completely disappear before school age. Individuals with atopic eczema may also suffer from hayfever, asthma and allergies as they have a more ‘reactive’ immune system. Their skin barrier function is impaired and their skin is usually dry and more sensitive to irritation. We do not have any cures for eczema but much can be achieved by optimizing skin care and minimizing environmental irritation. Your dermatologist can assist with identifying potential triggers such as allergy, stress and infection and in formulating a strategy to reduce flare-ups and restoring the skin’s natural defenses.

Hair Loss

Dermatologists specialise in diseases of the skin, hair and nails. They are experienced in making a diagnosis and determining the appropriate treatment for you. There is no need to waste money on expensive shampoos, supplements and ‘in house’ treatment protocols; if you have a hair loss problem you should see a dermatologist.

It is important to determine the cause of your hair problem and to treat it appropriately. Most men and women presenting with hair loss can be treated with relatively inexpensive, reputable and effective prescription medications. Once your condition has been diagnosed and treatment prescribed, your General Practitioner can monitor you with biannual or annual visits.

Dr Jill Cargnello is one of Australia’s most experienced hair loss specialists and has presented papers at national and international meetings on hair disorders and treatment.


If you have a rash that keeps recurring and is not responding to treatment you need to see a dermatologist. Dermatologists are experts in skin diagnosis and skin care.

Your dermatologist will help simplify your skin care management and where appropriate will prescribe appropriate prescription creams and medication to clear your skin.